olga ortez de bukele nacionalidadolga ortez de bukele nacionalidad

Not as well-known is the reality that he governs with his three younger brothers Karim Alberto (33), and Yusef Al and Ibrajim Antonio (30-year-old twins) who comprise the nucleus of a family clan that teams up with the president in most of his decisions. Pero para este momento, Nuevas Ideas ya no poda participar en el proceso de eleccin presidencial del 2019. The numbers reveal abilities that go beyond a deft handling of Twitter and even his adversaries admit to some achievements under his presidency, among them reducing violence in El Salvador to rarely witnessed levels and the firm response to the coronavirus pandemic, which combined strict lockdown measures with direct aid payments of $300 to citizens. Canada Fascinating Facts Leadership Politics Uncategorized US World. Un tomador de decisiones entre grandes, como Angela Merkel y Justin Trudeau, lo llam la revistaForeignPolicy. But he has not reserved his criticism solely for independent media, launching a money-laundering investigation against El Faro over subsidies from international donors. Luego de una ardua campaa electoral, que se caracteriz por ser una de las ms sucias de la historia reciente del pas, el 3 de febrero del 2019 el pueblo salvadoreo eligi aNayibBukelecomo suPresidentepara el periodo 2019 2024. La firma de la Independencia de Centroamrica, la toma de posesin de importantes lderes polticos, las clsicas oficinas gubernamentales, la cuna de grandes escritores y la ltima morada de importantes personajes de la vida social, poltica, cultural y religiosa de todo el pas tuvieron por escenario las calles y sitios histricos del Centro de San Salvador. This situation of talking to the presidents relatives to get what you want hasnt happened in our country since the Melndez brothers were in power, not even during the military governments.. There was a second, more technical meeting, especially for economic cabinet positions, in which Ibrajim did not participate. Apart from the Bukele Ortez brothers and the president of INDES, none of Nayibs other siblings play a formal or informal role in the government, according to a close relative of the Bukele Ortez clan. He believes it is possible to run a country with a telephone, say his advisors, and he is well aware that his most effective press officer is himself. D'abord membre du Front Farabundo Mart de libration nationale (FMLN), il est lu maire de Nuevo Cuscatln en 2012 puis de San Salvador, la capitale, en 2015. Nearing his 39th birthday, he is the most popular president in the countrys democratic history. Todo esto implic una inversin de 100 millones de dlares, logrando que, en poco tiempo, se evidenciaran cambios significativos en este centro neurlgico del pas. Armando Bukele remembers saying to his son Dont get involved in politics. Este gesto deriv en nuevas oportunidades de inversin internacional para el pueblo salvadoreo, en especial para el desarrollo de Surf City, la plataforma de desarrollo turstico que busca aprovechar el recurso ms valioso del pas: las olas para el surf. In reality, it seems like an ordinary Salvadoran citizen personally negotiated agreements with China on behalf of El Salvador. The 39-year-old leader of El Salvador instead enjoys his cellphone, public image polls and implementing, implementing, implementing. This has proven sufficient to sweep away three decades of bipartisanism and drastically transform the political landscape of a country still marked by the wounds of a bloody civil war (1980-1992) that ended when Bukele was barely 10. Se incluye tambin la recuperacin y restauracin total del sitio arqueolgico Joya de Cern; nueve convenios de cooperacin adicional en agricultura, turismo, cultura, deportes, comercio y asistencia tcnica, y la restauracin y ampliacin del muelle del Puerto de La Libertad para reconvertirlo en un atractivo turstico internacional. In his televised address to the nation on May 18, Nayib Bukele referred to his brothers role, who stood just off-camera watching his brothers speech. Olga de Bukele is on Facebook. En este proceso, el restablecimiento de buenas relaciones con Estados Unidos y Mxico fue vital. Photo available on Nayib Bukeles official Facebook page. Arena is pro-business, but they view themselves as the plantation owners. He has come here to ANEP, he has been to the Assembly, he has been to several other places hes very active with the business community, he added. Bukele took his first steps into politics with the FMLN, under whose banner he was elected as mayor of San Salvador, a position he held between 2015 and 2018. God was precisely the recourse that Bukele summoned on February 9, 2020, when he faced the most critical moment of his political career as thousands of his followers gathered outside the Assembly to urge him to take the legislative building by force. Through it he has sacked ministers, overseen public works and held forth on the press as well as announcing his wedding and publishing his daughters ultrasound scan. A finales de noviembre,NayibBukeleinforma a la poblacin que se ha concluido el acuerdo para las primeras dos millones de dosis de la vacuna contra el COVID-19 de la farmacutica AstraZeneca y la Universidad de Oxford, una de las primeras en el mundo en superar las pruebas clnicas y estar lista para su distribucin masiva. Uno de esos retos fue dar una respuesta rpida y eficiente a la violencia desbordada por grupos terroristas y el narcotrfico. Quote Tweet. El 25 de septiembre del 2020,NayibBukelese convierte en el primerPresidentesalvadoreo en desclasificar los archivos de El Mozote, una de las deudas histricas ms importantes del Estado con la memoria histrica y la dignidad de las vctimas. The advertising man had won again and he made good on his vow to further exact his revenge last Sunday at the polling booths. Presidente de la Repblica de El Salvador. Bukele was mayor of Nuevo Cuscatln at the time. El presidente salvadoreo argument que, gracias a los buenos resultados del Plan Control Territorial en la reduccin de homicidios, la migracin irregular tambin haba reportado descensos importantes. Para ellos se cre, en un inicio, un centro de convivencia juvenil llamado ESPACIOS. One of the Bukele Ortez brothers spoke off the record to El Faro, making it clear that he hadnt been authorized by Nayib to make any statements. According to information from the Ministry of Finance, between February 2016 and April 2018, when Nayib was already the most prominent FMLN political figure in the eyes of the voters, Ibrajim signed (as the legal representative of Global Motors) 40 contracts for transportation maintenance, repair, and spare parts with 17 public institutions, including ministries, autonomous agencies and public corporations, amounting to $335,789 dollars. He and Federico Anliker were Nayibs best friends. Con las primeras dos fases se logr reducir los homicidios, llegando al promedio ms bajo desde los Acuerdos de Paz. For the price of a coffee per month, help fund independent Central American journalism that monitors the powerful, exposes wrongdoing, and explains the most complex social phenomena, with the goal of building a better-informed public square. The president has acknowledged to family and friends that Karim, Ibrajim and Yusef now occupy the empty space left by his fathers death. Para ese momento, la administracinBukeleanunci destinar $8.6 millones para atender de forma preventiva el nuevo virus. Olga Ortez de Bukele and Armando Bukele Kattn are his parents. Photo available on Karim Bukeles Facebook page. Fiel a su propia creencia de la construccin de un gran pas, a travs de las nuevas formas de hacer y entender la poltica,Nayibacept un desafo ms grande: competir por la alcalda de San Salvador, la capital del pas. And at this point, Id like to say that this administration has not only shown signs of being undemocratic, but has also demonstrated its tribalism. Con solo 18 aos comenz a dirigir empresas familiares. Guardados assistant was the one who presented the project. This family friend contends that there isnt a formal division of labor among the brothers, since they all move freely throughout the presidents administration. So he says, Well, lets make a list and communicate these issues to the administration so that they can be addressed in the next meeting, and so that the ministers are responding to these issues. Nuevas Ideas naci como un movimiento desarrollado de forma horizontal con la ciudadana, organizado por los mismos salvadoreos, incluyendo la dispora. Armando Bukele Kattns will indicates that the Bukele Ortez family controls 66% of Global Motors shares, one of the most robust of the family-owned companies that in 2018, had $8.6 million in assets, according to the Commercial Registry. Paralelo a esto, y tras variosentrefrentamientosentre el Ejecutivo y algunos sectores empresariales que presionan a travs de la Asamblea Legislativa y la Sala de lo Constitucional, se reactiva la economa de manera paulatina. A inicios de marzo, decreta emergencia nacional en las crceles tras el asesinato de varios soldados. In Turkey, Ibrajim and Foreign Minister Alexandra Hill met with officials, but also with a private organization tasked with conducting the foreign economic relations of the Turkish private sector the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK). The two Zablah Bukele brothers are founding members of the political party created by Nayib, a party that has candidates running in the 2021 legislative and municipal elections. At that meeting, Ibrajim, Guardado and his assistant were asked whether similar initiatives had been promoted by previous administrations and had failed. There is no government document that describes Ibrajim Bukele in this manner, or that explains his role as a representative of the Salvadoran people. Nayib Bukele was born on July 24th, 1981, in the city of San Salvador. Nacido el 24 de julio de 1981, es hijo del fallecido empresario Armando Bukele, qumico industrial y representante de la comunidad de origen rabe-palestina, y de Olga Ortez. Like weve gone back to the days of monarchies, dont you think?. El Faro journalists also provided their notes from various meetings with the four Bukele Ortez brothers, including the current president. 3 And the most important recruiter of them all was Ibrajim Antonio Bukele Ortez. Bukele estudi derecho en la jesuita Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) de San Salvador, pero no se gradu para dedicarse desde los 18 aos a trabajar en una empresa de su padre. Casas encuestadoras como CID Gallup, Mitofsky, Universidad Francisco Gavidia (UFG), Universidad Jos Simen Caas (UCA), y LPG Datos lo ubicaron como el favorito para ganar el rgano Ejecutivo en el periodo 2019-2024. The Supreme Court of Justice had previously considered this type of detention to be illegal, and can be understood as an arbitrary detention. Candidates confirmed that the hour-long interviews were conducted at Yamahas headquarters with the companys head of human resources present. The purpose of the first interview was to do a political screening of candidates. Earlier this year on January 23, Luis Cardenal described Yusefs functions to El Faro. El 25 de octubre de 2017,NayibBukeleanunci oficialmente la conformacin del movimiento Nuevas Ideas como partido poltico, con el objetivo de buscar la Presidencia de la Repblica. PRESIDENCIA DE LA REPBLICA DE EL SALVADOR. That year, nine of his ten children named in his will dated November 5, 2010, were already of majority age, and eight were involved in the management of those businesses. The president uses Ibrajim for negotiations or special assignments like implementing economic stimulus projects, says a friend of the brothers who knows how this government works. Karim negotiates with legislators, makes agreements with businessmen, discusses strategies with allied countries, and advises his brother in public appearances. According to left-leaning digital newspaper El Faro, though, this relative peace has been brought about by a secret pact with the most powerful of El Salvadors gangs, the Mara Salvatrucha, a claim Bukele denies. Bukele is not interested in obscuring his desire for power, nor does he seek to appear friendly. They also note that a hierarchy exists even within this small leadership group. A finales de enero, elPresidenteBukelesostiene una reunin con elPresidentede Guatemala, AlejandroGiammattei, para hablar sobre los retos econmicos, migratorios y sociales que comparten ambos pases en la regin. Armando Bukele Kattan. They say that because Im the presidents brother. However, the presidents office stated that it couldnt provide any information regarding Karim Bukeles trip. To questions raised about his lobbying of the Assembly for the $1 billion, he said, Yes, its part of the presidents initiative. It was 1999, and in the class yearbook, Bukele described himself with words that still resonate in the minds of many of his classmates. Francisco is on the Board of Directors of the Bukele familys main advertising firm, Obermet, one of their wealthiest companies in terms of assets. The presidents brothers also played an important role in recruiting the ministers and officials who now run the administration. Other officials, when the president says something, just say Yes, yes, yes, because theyre thinking about keeping their jobs. It was the first public demonstration of Karims responsibility for getting favorable votes in the Assembly. I dont know a very curious person would ask, Dinarte remembers. Armando Bukeles friendship with Schafik began at the University of El Salvador in the 1960s. His . Nayib Bukele with his wife, Gabriela Rodrguez, and their daughter in the presidential office. Xavier is the president of the Nuevas Ideas party and attended the same school as the president, the Escuela Panamericana. Ese mismo da, el mandatario orden que se retirara de la Cuarta Brigada deInfanterade San Salvador el nombre de Domingo Monterrosa, acusado de perpetrar crmenes de lesa humanidad, entre los que se encuentra la Masacre de El Mozote, catalogada como una de las ms grandes de Amrica Latina. As, la Sala de lo Constitucional de El Salvador solicit al TSE que cumpliera el proceso de inhabilitacin para este partido. Although there are 16 appointed ministers, six presidential secretaries and three commissioners, numerous sources consulted by El Faro confirm that the Bukele Ortez brothers are sometimes the only ones involved in important government decisions. La plaga, que rpidamente se convierte en un problema nacional en otros pases, se comienza a acercar peligrosamente a Centroamrica. The brother who spoke off the record to El Faro describes it like this: Were straight with the president. Yamil Alejandro Bukele Prez is the president of the autonomous agency that oversees the countrys sports policy the Instituto Nacional de los Deportes de El Salvador (INDES). Bukele with his father, Armando Bukele Kattn. At the top of this administrations power pyramid are the Bukele Ortez brothers, buttressed by other relatives, long-time friends, and former employees of the familys businesses. As, se puso el foco de atencin en la historia del pas, renovando en miles de salvadoreos un orgullo patrio. He arrived for his court date with around a thousand supporters in tow. Ibrajim confirmed to El Faro on June 1, 2019 that he conducted around 270 interviews with candidates for government positions, and then sent a shortlist of candidates for jobs in economic and autonomous agencies to the president. The governments behalf? Otra de las grandes apuestas de la administracin deNayibBukelepara enfrentar la pandemia es la de convertir el Centro Internacional de Ferias y Convenciones (CIFCO) en un hospital dedicado a la atencin de COVID-19. En estos primeros meses tambin se trabaj en planes estratgicos que, bajo la visin de la bsqueda del Bienestar Social de todo el pas, impulsaron acciones como el Plan Nacional de Salud, que ha abasteci de medicamentos todos los establecimientos de salud pblicos. According to Galeas, who describes Bukeles office as a desk with several screens in front of it, the presidents principal virtue is his ability to multitask and the main issue of his mandate will be finding someone to replace him.. In the next circle of trust are the presidents private secretary, Ernesto Castro and his wife, Michelle Sol (Minister of Housing), the presidents legal counsel, Conan Castro, and Carolina Recinos, the commissioner for the presidents cabinet. Mara Luisa Hayem Brev (Minister of the Economy) and Fernando Lpez Larreynaga (Minister of the Environment) are two officials Nayib met at the Escuela Panamericana in the 1990s. Es hijo de Olga Ortez deBukeley de ArmandoBukeleKattn(n. 1944 m. 2015), quien fue un importante personaje de la vida empresarial y poltica salvadorea, Doctor en Qumica Industrial, fsico, historiador, economista, periodista y, sobre todo, autodidacta. Bukele became president of his 12th grade class, his senior year in high school. Just beyond the inner circle, but still under the clans control, are the cousins that Nayib grew up with Xavier Zablah Bukele (the president of Nuevas Ideas) and his brother, Francisco. I told [the businessmen] this in a meeting.. The make-up of the cabinet reveals the enduring bonds of childhood friendships. Es por esto, por su incalculable valor histrico y por la gran importancia que posee en la vida de miles de salvadoreos para su vida cotidiana, que el gobierno municipal deNayibBukeletom con urgencia la necesidad de revitalizar esta importante rea de la ciudad capital, como punto indispensable en la agenda de proyectos desarrollados. After a few minutes, the fired-up throng also started to file away peacefully. El tipo de luz que emiten las nuevas lmparas ofrece una mejora sustancial en la percepcin de seguridad por parte de la ciudadana, debido a su claridad y amplio rango de iluminacin. Olga Ortez de Bukele and Armando Bukele Kattn are his parents. Thats the word I would use to describe him. Im helping my brother, but I dont have any official position. El 1 de junio de 2019,NayibBukeletom posesin de la Presidencia de la Repblica de El Salvador, en un acto sin precedentes, efectuado en la Plaza Barrios, en el Centro Histrico de San Salvador. Hayem graduated before Bukele and is older. La carrera deNayibcapt rpidamente la atencin de diversos medios internacionales, quienes se interesaron por su proyecto poltico, el cual propone una manera ms eficiente de gobernar. You see, we like things like free enterprise, limited government, freedom of speech, and democracy, Bukele said in that speech. At times Karim has been the leader of official delegations, sometimes even above the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The El Faro reporter replied that certain businessmen have said that Yusef has a direct channel to the president. All these rumors about a total shutdown and some kind of curfew are completely baseless. Unos das despus, el doctorTedrosAdhanomGhebreyesus, Director General de la Organizacin Mundial de la Salud (OMS), anuncia al mundo que la nueva enfermedad es ya una pandemia. Were above it all, he said. Armando Bukele falleci en 2015 a sus 70 aos, sin embargo en vida fue conocido como un hombre de negocios, devoto musulmn y doctor en qumica industrial que incluso lleg a ser presidente de la Asociacin Islmica rabe de El Salvador. Este acuerdo fue posible ya que los estudios y las negociaciones de las principales vacunas comenzaron a realizarse desde junio en El Salvador, previendo la velocidad con la que estas podran ser acaparadas por las grandes potencias mundiales. Karim is a key contributor he is very close to the president, says Jos Escobar, president of the Textile, Clothing and Free Trade Zone Industry Association (Cmara de la Industria Textil, Confeccin y Zonas Francas CAMTEX). A finales de 2019, elPresidenteNayibBukeleinicia en China una gira por toda Asia en busca de inversin para el pas. Founded on April 25, 1998. he was sometimes accompanied by other officials, Karim was one of the few people accompanying his brother in the television studio, Yusef headed the Nuevas Ideas delegation at the voting center located in the Centro Internacional de Ferias y Convenciones, meeting with a dozen major businessmen at the Presidential House on May 18, one of the presidents main links to the Nuevas Ideas party, achieved a major shift in its relationship with the central government, economist Luis Membreo and businessman Adolfo Fito Salume, his relationship with the FMLN leadership and some party cadres began to strain, relationship finally broke down in October 2017, Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEIK), controversial bridge over the Torola River. A demonstration of his decision-making power was seen in the recent May 4 legislative session, in which the Legislative Assembly voted in favor of allowing the administration to raise $1 billion in debt obligations, which opened yet another crack in the Arena party. Yusef Al Bukele, one of Nayibs twin brothers, explained his relationship with the president to an El Faro reporter at a February 4 cocktail party held at the National Palace to celebrate Aviancas 100th year in business. Since he assumed the presidency, Bukeles broadsides against journalism have encompassed local media such as El Faro, Gatoencerrado and Factum, as well as the Associated Press. Former students dont remember Yusefs time there, but more is known about his higher education. He was brought up with a silver spoon in his mouth and never felt the effects of the war, Delen says. That cannot be. Yusef has an economics degree and, according to Luis Cardenal (former president of ANEP and another businessman who leads a large family conglomerate), he is the one in the Presidential House who listens to the concerns of the private sector labor unions. En ese mismo sentido, y comprendiendo la importancia que el tema migratorio posee para el pas,Bukelesolicit al Gobierno de Estados Unidos un trato diferente al de Honduras y Guatemala en esta materia. In his April 30 interview with El Diario de Hoy, FMLN leader Fabio Castillo spoke about official travel by government officials and their business relationships. Karim, Ibrajim and Yusef Bukele Ortez, three of the 10 siblings born to Armando Bukele Kattn and Olga Cortez, form the most influential circle of power around Bukele's presidency. Yusef responded that he had no problem giving statements, but that he didnt know on whose behalf he would be speaking, so he asked to reschedule the interview. De cabello engominado y espesa barba, Bukele es el mayor de los cuatro hijos que tuvieron Olga Ortez y Armando Bukele, un musulmn originario de Palestina, que impuls la construccin de . Pocos das despus de que se alertara en la ciudad de Wuhan, China, sobre el primer caso de COVID-19 del mundo, elPresidenteanunci la creacin del Gabinete de Salud Ampliado, que tuvo como objetivo la evaluacin y toma de decisiones para prevenir y combatir el virus. El 3 de febrero del 2019 gan con amplia ventaja las elecciones presidenciales, convirtindose en elPresidentems joven de la historia del pas y en el ms joven de toda Amrica Latina. Obtendr un diploma con estadsticas de nivel, progresin y participacin. Junto a ellos, buscara competir en la campaa presidencial de 2019. To develop a better picture of the presidents relatives with decision-making power in the current administration, we reviewed Armando Bukele Kattns (the presidents father) will, as well as the audio of a 2013 interview with Armando Bukele Kattn that we obtained. Adems, una planta potabilizadora de agua, que convertir la mitad del agua que se bota del Lago de Ilopango, en agua potable; todo el sistema de distribucin de agua potable y saneamiento de aguas negras, as como todo el circuito de calles peatonales, aceras, parques, malecones, cableado elctrico subterrneo, del circuito de playas de Surf City. On that May 4 night, Karim and some of the presidential secretaries left the Legislative Palace satisfied with the agreement reached. The president has said several times that he gets free advice, and administration officials also maintain that others have provided unpaid services. Even before the pandemic, Karim has been a regular negotiator for the administration in the Legislative Assemblys Blue Room. One of his visits there was on February 9, when the president stormed into that room flanked by military personnel. Revitalizacin del corazn del Centro Histrico. Se aumenta el personal mdico en los sitios tursticos del pas, adems de reforzar los centros de contencin para recibir a quienes ingresan al pas. Ibrajim himself confirmed this to El Faro, as did three of the people he interviewed. Bukele was born in San Salvador on July 24, 1981. According to his will, Armando Bukele had six life partners in non-marital unions. Rosa Imelda Centeno Colindres is the mother of his oldest daughter, Yamile Bukele Centeno (born on November 14, 1973). During the 20 years that Arena was in power, most major strategic decisions were made by people who represented the countrys greatest fortunes, whether or not they held government positions or were even Arena party members. Unos das despus, se despliegan equipos en las zonas donde existe posibilidad de que entre, para exterminarla y, al mismo tiempo, recoger especmenes para su anlisis. The presidents twin brothers have kept a lower profile, as their meetings are usually private. The Panamericana is a private, bilingual educational institution attended by the children and adolescents of the countrys upper-middle class. Photo available on the Escuela Panamericana yearbook website. But 29 days earlier, Ibrajim had attended one of the committee meetings accompanied by the president of the Salvadoran Institute for Agrarian Transformation (Instituto Salvadoreo de Transformacin Agraria, or ISTA), Oscar Guardado, and one of his assistants, to discuss the governments intention to promote an agrarian transformation plan and a food security program. Another partner was Alma Platero, with whom he had Dayana Marilyn Bukele Platero. Bukele's paternal grandparents were Palestinian Christians from Jerusalem and Bethlehem, according to The Times of Israel, although his maternal grandmother was Catholic and his maternal grandfather was Greek Orthodox. Esa aprobacin fue el resultado de la percepcin que tienen los salvadoreos del trabajo gubernamental que, luego de muchos aos, al fin es articulado, orientado a resultados y con verdadera visin de desarrollo. This is Csar Enrique Marroqun Rivas, another member of Yusefs joint thesis team, who after graduating from UCA, earned a masters degree in Financial Management at Francisco Gavidia University. . Su creacin se realiz con el objetivo de masificar y expandir las expresiones culturales de todos los capitalinos, as como dar apoyo a los artistas locales en las diferentes ramas culturales, adems de ser una ventana para el completo desarrollo de las artes en San Salvador. Este programa fue uno de los ms ambiciosos que se ejecutaron en su administracin en la comuna. Class Terrorist, Bukele labeled himself under his photograph. NAYIB PRESIDENTE: EL FINAL DEL BIPARTIDISMO. Nayib Bukele, Latin Americas youngest president, doesnt much like venturing into the street, or indigenous people, or wandering around markets, or being photographed with other peoples babies. Sitting, Armando Bukele Kattn. I appreciate Karim Bukele because there were a number of failed proposals, and we thought that we might not be able to achieve anything that day, but we stuck with it, said Cardenal. It is one of the few good-natured gestures those close to him acknowledge. During his mayorship, Bukele gained recognition as an efficient leader who was able to reclaim the dangerous downtown area of the city. Bukele threatened the attorney general that he would use the people to throw him out of office after being called to testify in a case against him: he was being investigated for allegedly being behind a group of computer engineers who had launched cyber-attacks on La Prensa Grfica newspaper. Who is Nayib Bukele? olga ortez de bukele. Conozcan a la Madre del Presidente Nayib Bukele Olga Ortez de Bukele. Y ese mismo da,NayibBukeledecreta cuarentena en todo el territorio nacional. Shortly after the speech ended, Aviancas president, Roberto Kriete, spoke to El Faro. Entre otras razones, esta alta aprobacin de parte de la poblacin se debi a los xitos cosechados por el Plan Control Territorial, el abastecimiento total de medicinas en los hospitales, la reparacin de crcavas y carreteras, as como a la efectiva respuesta ante la pandemia, la construccin y remodelacin de hospitales en medio de una emergencia sanitaria mundial, entre otras cosas.

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olga ortez de bukele nacionalidad